
The Aeschi Working Group


The therapeutic approach to the suicidal patient: 
New perspectives for health professionals

5th Aeschi Conference  4. – 7. March, 2009
Hotel Aeschi Park, Aeschi, Switzerland

Main Theme:

Speakers/discussants/workshop directors

J. Allen • M. Bostwick • G.K. Brown • P. Clayton • K. Comtois • M. Goldblatt
• D.A. Jobes • T. Lineberry • M.M. Linehan • A. Maillart • J.T. Maltsberger
• K. Michel • I. Orbach • M. Perret-Catipovic • M. Plöderl • Th. Reisch • E. Rohrbach
• E. Ronningstam • M.D. Rudd • M. Schechter • L. Valach • I. Weinberg

Target audience Health professionals (physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers, volunteers, etc.).
Educational Objectives For clinicians to share experiences, to develop a patient-oriented understanding of suicidal behaviour, and to improve the therapeutic competence in the treatment of suicidal patients.
Posters Poster submissions related to the conference theme are welcome. There will be a chaired poster session with oral presentations.
Travel Frequent intercity train connections from Zürich, Geneva or Bern airports to Spiez.
Bus or taxi to Aeschi. Road access: Motorway to Spiez, follow signs to Aeschi.
Registration The conference package includes conference fee, hotel accommodation (full board), handouts, and social event. There is a limited number of places for conference only participants. The total number of participants will be limited to 60. The registration form should be filled in on your PC and sent or faxed to Konrad Michel, University Psychiatric Hospital Bern (UPD), Murtenstrasse 21, CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland, Fax +41 31 632 89 50. Receipt of registration form will be confirmed by fax or e-mail. Final registration will be confirmed by fax or e-mail after payment has been completed.
Organisation Konrad Michel, and the Aeschi Working Group


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